Can Your Money Work Harder?

Dear Compass Point Family and Friends,

We are writing to follow up on a letter that we sent last year.

Clients have been asking, “What can I do with money that is sitting in the bank earning virtually 0% interest?” These funds are not expected to be needed in the near future and are kept in reserve, “just in case”. Clients would like to earn more but instead, they seek low risk options to retain their balance and keep funds available.

If you have “lazy” money, we can show you several options that could help those funds work harder. We are happy to discuss the alternatives and help you determine if they are a good fit. Simply send an email to or call 800-246-1433.

We hope you are finding ways to cope in this crazy world. If there is anything else we can help with, do not hesitate to let us know.


Your Compass Point Retirement Planning, Inc. Advisory Team
